Outpouring Part 1
Hi guys!Long time no post here :)
I've been so busy lately, but calm down! i have leisure to post here again..yeay! Okay 2014 is my hard and raw year, yeah take a look: i've lost my grandma, my UN scores are too bad (im not the lucky one), and not accepted at medicine faculty. Look like i squawk and not grateful to God, at first time i did, but now i feel blessed and grateful to God (pssstt.. we never know God's plan, rite?)
I've been so busy lately, but calm down! i have leisure to post here again..yeay! Okay 2014 is my hard and raw year, yeah take a look: i've lost my grandma, my UN scores are too bad (im not the lucky one), and not accepted at medicine faculty. Look like i squawk and not grateful to God, at first time i did, but now i feel blessed and grateful to God (pssstt.. we never know God's plan, rite?)
Agree?I absolutely say yes |
Anyway, i'll tell my hardly endeavor to pass the university test, oh my God, i am often crying all day long, rejected everywhere, but i feel relief now, i am accepted in UNIBRAW, the department of food agriculture, far away from my dream, but still i can attain the star. I've done the tests for eight times, i forgot what exactly the majors i head to. Remind of my memories, i tested for medicine, pharmacy, environment technique, dentist, and food agriculture, and oh the last one nutrient. For eight tests, i've been rejected for SEVEN times! imagine how my feeling past.
My parents were mad of me, blamed me all day long, being hate me..ugh that suck moment peeps! But i feel grateful, even though they did, but they and my brothers still support me till now :*Precisely my oldest brother he hugged me when my tears felt down veritably, when i think i couldn't be accepted PTN and i felt 'let me die God'..it sounds like exaggerate, but trust me! when u're in my position, u'll do the same as i did. But other sides, i have learned much lessons, not physically lesson, but vague lesson u couldnt see, like behavior, and your self..You know i'm more 100 times stonger than the old J, and i have kinda mature thoughts and considerations. See the positive side, peeps! ;)
Okay now turn to what occurred to me today! Hmmm preceded with ...
Today is the worst day, my lecture got rid of me. I have no idea about this, i know i'm wrong, because i was late, but i have sense reason, you all have no rights to blame me.. I have bad bedtime recently, I always sleep at 1-3 am, it’s because a lot of tasks, I know it’s an oldschool reason. But Hey! See the positive sides. I can accomplish all my task, study by myself, and I can sleep abundantly hahaha..yap I won’t do this again, but still trying. Hey I use more ‘but’ here, pardon me guys!
Today is the worst day, my lecture got rid of me. I have no idea about this, i know i'm wrong, because i was late, but i have sense reason, you all have no rights to blame me.. I have bad bedtime recently, I always sleep at 1-3 am, it’s because a lot of tasks, I know it’s an oldschool reason. But Hey! See the positive sides. I can accomplish all my task, study by myself, and I can sleep abundantly hahaha..yap I won’t do this again, but still trying. Hey I use more ‘but’ here, pardon me guys!
I used to sad, but now not anymore, I can be 100 times stronger. I tell u the funny moment is I surrender easily, I haven’t disputed yet to lecture, all I do is open the door and go outside with innocent face hahaha and that moment all my sight friends focused on me, ah how embarrassing! Pssstt… actually they don’t know my hardly struggle, I have run as fast
as I can, I withstand my gastropolic and I farted for many times on my
way to campus..huft! that struggle was futile, but it’s okay I still
have life anyway...yeah as my best friends, they will know, im typical late-student, and this is not my first time, honestly I can’t count my late up…yah as late-student, im craving being punctual.
But don’t over think too much because this moment! Get positive side, and ameliorate the negative side, simple right? All I think is my parents, huhuhu sorry papa mama, anyway I’m afraid oh papa’s mad, so I’ll conceal this devotion, hope he doesn’t read my blog, be this devotion as our secret y guys! And the happy moment, there are my friends that encourage me, and not scoff or make fun of me, I love u guys!
Ugh my gastroplic comes up again, be right back guys..oh emm hey I still have task, so see you peeps! Stay tune for my next devotion about my lovely grandma if u don’t demur it ;)
Bye xoxoxo - Jeje.
Oh here bonus pict my new friends(guess where am i?)
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Komen dong, jangan dibaca ajaa ehehe dan jangan lupa pakai emoticon di atas ini, supayaa lebih menjiwai wkwk *wuilah, ketik kode disamping, maaci^^